Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Many will ask, 'you clean? You???'

Yes, I do! in fact, I'm off to clean our marketing bodega today. Now, don't raise your eyebrows just yet. As a marketing associate I was tasked to do that. Though I'm not sure if that is included in my job description but i do it anyways.

Yesterday, I only used my office email five times because I was cleaning our make-shift bodega already. How would your body feel after dusting-off expired prizes and pulling out big EZ boxes from 10am to 7pm? Used, taken for granted and sore. I felt I was being punished and was actually asking Jesus if i have done something wrong. That's how bad it was yesterday.

Now I'm gearing up for more bodega suffering. I will eat A LOT and load up on Lipovitan Ira.

I hope to still have energy to blog later because I still feel sleepy and effing tired.